About Us

PhotoShoot Advisor Co-Founders Scott Heidorn and Rita Heidkamp enjoy taking photos no matter where they are.  They have traveled to 3 contintents but spend most of their time enjoying their own "backyard" in Alaska. 


No matter where they traveled they found 2 common themes -

  • Photographers wished they could have spoken to another photog before they arrived so they could be more prepared; 
  • Photographers love to swap ideas, tips and good locations to take photos.  


This website hopes to solve both those problems by bringing photogs together before they travel. 


Scott and Rita are by no means professional photogs - in fact Rita specializes in her Canon S120 point and shoot.  No matter your skill level, or the equipment you use, your trip will be more enjoyable if you talk to a local photog before you arrive. Search the Member Listings now to make your next photoshoot a local photoshoot! 


We hope you enjoy your membership in PhotoShoot Advisor. Please keep in touch to let us know how we can make this web page better. 

PhotoShoot Advisor

is the easiest way to

spend more time behind the camera

at the right location and

at the right time of day!  


We are always pleased to welcome new members.


JOIN PhotoShoot Advisor and make every shoot a local shoot!
FREE for a limited time only!

Scott and Rita enjoy a break during an Alaska Range photoshoot

Scott Heidorn

Rita Heidkamp

Fairbanks, AK 


Phone: 907.474.8711